Web 3.0

research is going on to develop such reasoning software that must be based on description logic and intelligent agents. These sorts of applications can perform logical reasoning operations through using sets of rules expressing logical relationships between concepts and data on the Web.

But some critics are disagree on the viewpoint, which describes that Semantic Web would be the core of the 3rd generation of the Internet and suggests a formula to summarize Web 3.0.

Web 3.0 has also been associated to a possible hub of SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) and Semantic web.

Evolution towards 3D

The evolution of 3D technology is also being connected to Web 3.0 as Web 3.0 may be used on massive scale due to its characteristics. In this process Web 3.0 would transform into a series of 3D spaces, taking the concept realized by Second Life expansion. This could open up new ways to connect and collaborate using 3D shared spaces.

Proposed Expanded Definitions of Web 3.0

Nova Spivack has roposed the expanded definition of


Web 3.0 that indulge in itself the collection of various foremost harmonizing technology developments that are growing to a new level of maturity simultaneously includes:

• Ubiquitous Connectivity, broadband adoption, mobile Internet access and mobile devices

• Network computing, s o f t w a r e -a s - a - s e r v i c e business models, Web services interoperability, istributed computing, grid omputing and cloud computing

• Open technologies, Open APIs and protocols, open data formats, open-source software platforms and open data (e.g. Creative Commons, Open Data License)

• Open identity, OpenID, open reputation, roaming portable identity and personal data

• The intelligent web,
Semantic web technologies such as RDF, OWL, SWRL, SPARQL, Semantic application platforms, and statementbased datastores

• Distributed databases, the
“World Wide Database” (enabled by Semantic Web technologies)

• Intelligent applications,
natural language processing, machine learning, machine reasoning, and autonomous agents


Web 3.0 as Different
Formats of Web

The Semantic Web

The term ‘Semantic Web’ refers to “Defined” Web that is an alliance of World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and others to provide a standard for defining data structures on the Web. Semantic Web refers to the use of XMLtagged data that matches the Resource Description Framework (RDF).

Sometimes it is refers to“Web 3.0,” that is a debatable topic, but in the form of Web 3.0, the main goal of the Semantic Web becomes to identify exact required data that matches the keywords. e.g. if we search Web 3.0 in Google / yahoo / msn or any advance search engines using specific key words, there are millions of web pages appears on the window in which only very few have some information and all other pages are worthless.

Web 3.0 in terms of Semantic Web is the third generation of World Wide Web in which machines an read sites similar to uman being and also follows our instructions. For example if you order to check your schedule against the schedules of all the dentists and doctors within a 10-mile radius if follows tour order and provide the appropriate information.

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