Web 3.0

level. We are also seeing richer devices over last four years and richer ways of interacting with the network, not only in hardware like game consoles and mobile devices, but also in the software layer. You don’t have to be a computer scientist to create a program. We are seeing that manifest in Web 2.0 and 3.0 will be a great extension of that, a true communal medium…the distinction between professional, semiprofessional and consumers will get blurred, creating a network effect of usiness and applications. “

-- Jerry Yang

While Reed Hastings, the founder and CEO of Netflix, stated a simpler formula for defining the phases of the Web in the same Technet Summit:

“ Web 1.0 was dial-up, 50K average bandwidth, Web 2.0 is an average 1 megabit of bandwidth and Web 3.0 will be 10 megabits of bandwidth all the time, which will be the full video Web, and that will feel like Web 3.0.”

--Reed Hastings

Before this people were very curious about ‘Web 3.0’ as they asked to Tim Berener about the full-fledged information of Web 3.0 as Tim Berners-Lee stated in May 2006:

“People keep asking what Web 3.0 is. I think maybe when you’ve got an overlay of scalable vector graphics - everything rippling and folding and looking misty - on Web 2.0 and access to a semantic Web integrated across a huge space of data, you’ll have access to an unbelievable data resource.”

--Tim Berners-Lee,



A ‘more revolutionary’ Web

The term Web 3.0 has became a subject of interest and debate since late 2006 to till date. But no exact definition has been created that everyone accepts it.

Web 3.0 Debates over Definition

Since the origins of the concept of Web 3.0, the debate continues goes on about exactly what the term Web 3.0 means, and what a suitable definition might be. As emerging the new technology, a new definition

Transforming the Web
into a database

Transforming the Web into database is the beginning step towards transforming definition of Web 3.0 when the technology of ‘Data Web’ emerged as structured data records that can be published to the Web in reusable and remotely queryable formats, such as XML, RDF and microformats. The Data Web is the initial step in the way of full Semantic web that enables a new level of data integration and application interoperability, which makes the data openly


accessible and linkable as Web pages. To make available structured data using RDF is primarily focused in Data Web phase. The full Semantic Web stage will so expand the scope that both structured and semistructured or unstructured content will be widely available in RDF and OWL semantic formats.

An evolutionary path
to artificial intelligence

Web 3.0 has also been used to describe the rend of artificial intelligence, which is being popular in the web like a quasi-human fashion. Some cynic believes that it is an unobtainable vision. However, this is being used new technologies on mass level that yields amazing information like making predictions of hit songs from mining information on college music Web sites. There is also debate on the driving force behind Web 3.0. Will it be the intelligent systems, or whether intelligence will emerge in a more organic fashion and how people interact with it?

The realization of the Semantic Web and Service Oriented Architecture

Another debate originates over the artificial intelligence direction in which Web 3.0 can be extent to Semantic web concept. Academic

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