
Building Projects: Learn to Set Up A Maven2 Repository


itself. There is another approach, that is, setup the connection to the derby database using jdbc and configure artifactory in the web application (by including artifactory.config.xml in the web application). We can use the environment variable to specify the location of the artifactory installation folder. In case of Windows, we can add it to Tomcat startup options and Configure Tomcat by specifying the installation folder to the Java Options. -Dartifactory.home=<artifactory-installdirectory>
e.g. -artifactory.home= D:\artifactory- 1.2.2\ artifactory-1.2.2

III. Setting up the maven repositories: First create three repositories or we can say sub-repositories given in the following list in our maven repository.

• Private-internal-repository: The artifacts which are used only within the organization are contained in this repository. The developer uploads them manually. Since the artifacts in this repository (sub-repository) are private tothe organization, this repository does not synchronize with the remote repository with ibiblio.

• Ibiblio-cache:
This repository is the
cache of the artifacts from ibiblio and synchronized with ibiblio.


• 3rd party: Publicly available artifacts are contained in this repository but not in ibiblio repository. Since ibiblio does
not have these jar files therefore this repository is not synchronized with ibiblio This is configured in the
<ARTIFACTORY_INSTALLATION _FOLDER>/etc/artifactory .config.xml’. The configuration to setup these 3 repositories is shown below:

<config xmlns:xsi="
1.0.0" xsi:schemaLocation="http://
<!-- Backup every 12 hours -->
<!--<backupCronExp>0 0 /12 * * ?</
<description>Private internal repository</
<description>3rd party jars added

Sept 2007 | Java Jazz Up |29
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