XML- SAX Parser using JAXP API

document using JAXP APIs.

Description of the program:

In this example you need a well-formed XML file that has some data (Emp_Id, Emp_Name and Emp_E-mail in our case). Here is the XML File to be parsed: Employee-

<?xml version = “1.0” ?>
<Emp_Id> E-001 </Emp_Id>
<Emp_Name> Vinod </Emp_Name>
<Emp_E-mail> </
<Emp_Id> E-002 </Emp_Id>
<Emp_Name> Amit </Emp_Name>
<Emp_E-mail> </Emp_Email>
<Emp_Id> E-003 </Emp_Id>
<Emp_Name> Deepak </Emp_Name>
<Emp_E-mail> </

Develop a java file ( that uses an xml file to parse and check its wellformed ness. Initially the program checks that the given file exists or not by using exists() method. Here is a sample code of this program:

File file = new File(str); if (file.exists()){
XMLReader reader =
System.out.println(str + “ is wellformed

The XMLReaderFactory helps in creating an XML reader, which parses xml document using the appropriate callbacks. And it determines that the parsed xml is well-formed or not. If xml document is will-formed, it will display a message“Employee-Detail.xml is well-formed!” Otherwise


prints “Employee-Detail.xml isn’t well-formed!”. If you enter a file that doesn’t exist it will show “File not found!”.
Now, lets see the sample code to parse the data:

public void startElement(String uri,
String localName,
String element_name, Attributes
attributes)throws SAXException{
if (element_name.equals(“Emp_Id”)){
id = true;
name = true;
if (element_name.equals(“Emp_Email”)){
mail = true;
public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int
len) throws SAXException{
String str = new String (ch, start,
if (id){
id = false;
if (name){
System.out.println(“Name: “+str);
name = false;
if (mail){
System.out.println(“E-mail: “+str);
mail = false;

parser.parse(str, dHandler);

If the given file exits and well-formed then the instance of SAXParser class parses the file using the parse() method. As long as the startElement() method returns ‘true’, the characters() method prints data .

Feb  2008 | Java Jazz Up |28
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