JBoss Seam : Stitching JSF and EJB3
developers with an EJB-free solution. Developers can use Hibernate to persist the application objects. JBoss Seam supports transactions with Hibernate when an application runs inside a JEE 5 container. Even the developers can use Jboss’s configurable stand-alone embeddable EJB 3 container, which is highly compatible with JBoss Seam in providing the run time support to the applications. Now the developers have chances to use
Hibernate without worrying to run the application inside a full-blown JEE 5 server, as they have the flexibility to use the JBoss microcontainer along with its transactional support. And it still run in a Java SE environment. This brings the light-weightness to the development environment. 

This provides a set of diverse variety to the developers along with the multiple choices enabling it to adapt to different production scenarios. Once tested, the application code does not need to be modified while moving from one environment to the next. It requires only the minor changes in the configuration.
Nov  2007 | Java Jazz Up | 20
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