requests to handlers, with configurable handler
mappings, view resolution like features. The default
handler is a very simple Controller interface with method,
ModelAndView handleRequest(request, response).
Spring provides a controller hierarchy that can be subclassed.
For Example if some application needs to
process user entry forms you can inherit
AbstractFormController or if Application needs to process
a multi-page entry into a single form you can inherit
AbstractWizardFormController class of framework.
Spring Architecture
Spring’s layered architecture provides a lot of flexibility
functionality that
is build on the
levels. Spring is
a complete JEE
framework and
has a wellorganized
consisting of
seven modules:
1. Spring Core package
The Core package is the most import component of
the Spring Framework. It’s primary component is the ‘BeanFactory’, an implementation of the Factory pattern.
It separates the dependencies issues like initialization,
creation and access of the objects from the actual program
logic. The BeanFactory applies the IOC pattern to
separate an application’s configuration and dependency
specification from the actual application code.
2. Spring Context package
This package uses observer design pattern and
provides an ability to obtain resources (for application
objects through a consistent API) and it adds support for
message sources. The spring context is a configuration
file that provides context information to the spring framework.
The spring context supplies enterprise services
such as JNDI access, EJB integration, e-mail, internalization,
validation, and scheduling functionality
3. Spring DAO package
The DAO (Data Access Object) package is primarily
used for standardizing the data access work using the
technologies like JDBC, Hibernate or JDO. The Spring’s
JDBC and DAO abstraction layer offers a meaningful
exception hierarchy for managing the database connection,
exception handling and error messages thrown by
different database vendors. The exception hierarchy
simplifies error handling and greatly reduces the amount
of code that we need to write, such as opening and
closing connections. |
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