Integrating JSF, Spring and Hibernate

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<servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servletname>
<servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servletname>

Creation of Beans : : This bean has been used for registration page. This bean has properties related to all the fields in the page and setter and getter method corresponding to all the properties. exist property has been used to
set true or false value to the “rendered” attribute of the outputText tag responsible for presenting the string “User is already registered”. If the username is already present then the value for exist property is set to “true”. dao object of HibernateSpringDAO class is used to work with
the database.

package net.roseindia.web.ui;
import net.roseindia.web.common.*;
import net.roseindia.dao.*;

This bean has been used in the login page. All the properties of the bean are related to the fields of the login page. When the page is submitted then checkUser() method is called which checks the username and password. If both are correct then the user is sent to the
next page which welcomes the user otherwise message is displayed to the user in the same login page. In this bean there is one exist property which is set to true if username or password doesn’t match with the database. So this value is set to the “rendered” property of the tag responsible for displaying the string “User name or password is incorrect”.

package net.roseindia.web.ui;
import net.roseindia.web.common.*;
import net.roseindia.dao.*;
import javax.faces.application.FacesMessage;
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
public class CheckValidUser{
String userName;
String pwd;
boolean exist;
public void setUserName(String
public void setPwd(String pwd){
public void setExist(boolean exist){
public String getUserName(){
return userName;
public String getPwd(){
return pwd;

Jan 2008 | Java Jazz Up | 66
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