New Releases

departments of your organization and for each of your web sites. It’s fully customizable messenger. Some of its features can be listed as: XMPP based messaging protocol, Any Jabber compatible operator software, multiple account support, private and secured live chat messaging, customizable operator loading, message log, online presence management, multilingual, fully customizable, extensible and cross platform.

Open Source Business Library
(OSBL) 1.0 released

Open Source Business Library (OSBL) 1.0 has been released. It covers everything required to build sophisticated master data management applications and process based applications with services, relational persistence, a web UI, authentication and authorization, identity management and more. The goal of OSBL is to provide a solution that efficiently supports work processes in a business environment. Several open source high quality components are available in the market but they individually fail to achieve a solution mainly when integrating into a whole. OSBL reaches to the aim of achieving this integration.

Profiler YourKit 7.0 released

YourKit 7.0, a profiler for Java and .NET, has been released with set of new features. Some of them are: automatic memory inspections, object generations that is very helpful in finding memory leaks, ability to compare snapshots from different runs, monitor profiling, Better detection of local profiled applications, internal improvements and optimizations, improved reliability and performance.

Oct 2007 | Java Jazz Up | 8
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