Dojo Tutorial

Dojo Tutorial Dojo:
Dojo is an Open Source JavaScript toolkit libraries that provides a simple API(Application Programming Interface) for building the serious applications in less time. The main functionality of Dojo is to make HTTP requests and receive their responses. It also provides packages for string manipulation, DOM manipulation, dragand- drop support and DS (Data Structures) such as lists, queues and stacks. Dojo applications are used where the JavaScript and browsers don’t work far enough, in which place the dojo application gives you the powerful, portable, lightweight and tested tools for creating a dynamic interfaces.

Dojo Directory Structure:

Whenever you use Dojo then you follow the following directory structure and set up the files of the specified location.

Hello world Example

Here, you will learn to create a “Hello World” example in Dojo. Before creating any examples or applications you must follow the directory structure.


Create a Button:

The following example we are going to create a button “Hello World!”. To create a button in dojo you need to a Button Widget that contains three visual states as: mouseOut, mouseOver and mouseDown. To follow the following steps for creating a dojo button widget:

<script type=”text/javascript”>

// Load Dojo’s code relating to widget managing functions


// Load Dojo’s code relating to the Button widget



It instructs you to include the dojo widget (Not load all the widgets) for managing functions.


This line instructs you to load the Dojo button widget. If you don’t include this line, the markup code for the button would not be evaluated by Dojo upon loading, resulting in a plain HTML button instead of what you expect. Insert the following code into the HTML body:

<button dojoType=”Button”
w i d g e t I d = ” h e l l o B u t t o n ”
onClick=”helloPressed();”>Hello World!</ button>

The key attribute of this HTML element to notice is the dojoType attribute. This is responsible for instructing Dojo on how to process the element when the page is loading. In this case you will use a button element for the button that is used to input element - Dojo will work with either as long as the dojoType attribute is present.

widgetId=”helloButton”: This is replaced with id=”helloButton” without the functionality being affected - Dojo’s widget system is smart

March 2008 | Java Jazz Up | 40
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