Quick Review:Ajax
Ajax and XML: Five cool Ajax widgets

line_color=”333333" line_alpha=”0" radius=”44" x=”55"
end=”382" y=”55"/>
<circle fill_color=”666666" start=”397" fill_alpha=”100"
line_color=”333333" line_alpha=”0" radius=”44" x=”55"
end=”402" y=”55"/>
<circle fill_color=”666666" start=”417" fill_alpha=”100"
line_color=”333333" line_alpha=”0" radius=”44" x=”55"
end=”422" y=”55"/>
<circle fill_color=”99bbff” start=”280" fill_alpha=”100"
radius=”40" x=”55" end=”440" y=”55"/>
<circle fill_color=”FF4400" start=”280" fill_alpha=”100"
radius=”44" x=”55" end=”310" y=”55"/>
<circle fill_color=”44FF00" start=”50" fill_alpha=”100"
radius=”44" x=”55" end=”80" y=”55"/>
<circle fill_color=”99bbff” start=”280" fill_alpha=”80"
radius=”40" x=”55" end=”440" y=”55"/>
<circle fill_color=”333333" start=”270" fill_alpha=”100"
line_alpha=”0" radius=”20" x=”55" end=”450" y=”55"/>
<rotate start=”280" shake_span=”2" shadow_alpha=”15"
step=”1" x=”55" span=”0" y=”55" shake_frequency=”20">
<rect fill_color=”ffff00" fill_alpha=”90" line_alpha=”0"
height=”40" x=”53" width=”4" y=”13"/>
<circle fill_color=”111111" start=”270" fill_alpha=”100"
line_thickness=”5" line_alpha=”50" radius=”15" x=”55"
end=”450" y=”55"/>

As you can see, SWF took a different approach with this widget. Instead of specifying the data for the gauge (or graph), I actually build the gauge out of graphics primitives such as circles, arcs, and rectangles.

Honestly, I prefer a set of canned gauges with which I can just supply the data. But this method works, and it allows me almost infinite room for tweaking — although I would have appreciated a few more canned examples that I could work from.

Apr 2008 | Java Jazz Up | 51
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