The maven repository folder has subfolders for each library.
For instance, there is a sub folder for commons-logging.
Beneath the commons-logging folder there is another
Subfolder called jars. This jars folder has the commons
logging jar files suffixed by version number.
The role of the repository is immediately obvious. Instead of
each project having its own copies of third party libraries, the
repository helps developers across projects to share the
libraries. Each project can also in turn generate its artifacts
and publish it into the remote repository. The process of
publishing a jar into the repository is called “install” in Maven
lingo. This install process helps organizations to share
internal artifacts across projects in a standard manner. This
also holds the basis for continuous integration among interdependent
Figure shows the pom.xml, repository and plugins. The grey
colored rectangles are provided by you. The blue colored
rectangles are provided by Maven. The orange colored rectangle
shaded is the output - the real deployment artifact
obtained for your project. Custom plug-ins are optional. The
rest of the inputs are mandatory.
Installing and Getting Hands on Maven
Now that we have sufficient understanding of the pom.xml file
let us get on try something out.
Download Maven from, unzip the archive
into your local directory.
Set the JAVA_HOME variable to point to the JDK installation
andMAVEN_HOME to point to the Maven directory and add
the MAVEN_HOME/bin to the PATH environment variable.
1. To test whether the path has been set properly. Type
mvn -version on the command prompt.
C:\>mvn -versionMaven version: 2.0.7Java version:
1.5.0OS name: “windows 2000” version: “5.0” arch:“x86”
2. Note create a working directory C:\>md maventest
C:\>cd maventest
3. Create your first project. In order to create the sim
plest of Maven projects, execute the following from the
command line: C:\maventest>mvn archetype:create -
DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.maven.archetypes -
DgroupId=net.roseindia.maven.quickstart -
Once you have executed this command, you will
notice a few things have happened. |
First, you will notice that a directory named HelloMaven has
been created for the new project,and this directory contains a
file named pom.xml that should look like this.
<project xmlns=”"
After the archetype generation of your first project you can
see, the project created from the archetype has a POM, a
target directory, a source tree for your application’s sources
and a source tree for your test sources. This is the standard
layout for Maven projects.
The application sources reside in ${basedir}/src/main/java and
test sources reside in ${basedir}/src/test/java, where {basedir}
represents the directory containing pom.xml.
you will notice that the following directory structure has been
|-- java
|-- net
|-- roseindia
|-- maven
|-- quickstart
|-- java
|-- net
|-- roseindia
|-- maven
|-- quickstart
4. Now to compile the application sources. Change to the
directory where pom.xml is created and execute the “mvn
compile” command to compile your application sources:
C:\maventest>cd HelloMaven
C:\maventest\HelloMaven>mvn compile