Quick Review:JavaFX
Introduction to JavaFX API

JavaFX provides common APIs and device specific APIs. JavaFX common APIs provides common functionalities across all the devices and device specific APIs are helpful to provide device specific functionalities.

Common APIs:

If you need to create cross platform Rich Internet Applications then you can use JavaFX Common APIs. Currently JavaFX Common APIs provide support for 2D graphics, Animation, Text and Media but not for audio, video, networking, local storage etc. The support for these components will be added in the coming days.

Device specific APIs:

If you want to develop device specific Rich Internet Applications (for example, applications for desktop, mobile and TV) then you can use device specific APIs in addition to JavaFX common APIs. The device specific APIs provide more suitable functionalities for the device. For example, for desktop application you can use desktop specific APIs to achieve desktop specific look and feel and graphics support.

Some of the JavaFX packages are described below:

javafx.application Provides support for the JFC/Swing component architecture, application lifecycle support methods and attributes and defines the possible styles for a Window etc. It contains classes like Applet, Application, Frame, Window, Dialog etc.
javafx.animation Contains classes used for animation effects. Attributes of any object (visual and non-visual) can be animated using its classes.
javafx.ext.swing Contains wrappers for Swing components like Frame, ComboBox and List and provides layout constants.It provides classes like:Layout, Component, Container, Button, CheckBox, MenuItem, ComboBox, GridPanel, Icon, Label, ScrollableComponent, List, ListItem,Menu, RadioButton, RadioButtonMenuItem, ScrollPane, SequentialCluster, Slider, SwingApplication, SwingWindow,
SwingDialog, TextField, SwingFrame, ToggleGroup etc.
javafx.input Provides support for key events and mouse events and provides set of key codes for KeyEvent objects.
javafx.lang Used for DeferredTask (an action that is executed at a later time), defining the duration of time, various functions for manipulating sequences.
javafx.scene Base class for scene graph nodes.Provides classes for alignment and orientation of the UI elements and operate with fonts.
javafx.scene.image Provides classes representing graphical images.
javafx.scene.paint Contains classes defining color and different color patters for graphics operations.
javafx.scene.transform Provides classes to apply transformations to objects.Provides functions to perform rotating, scaling, shearing, and translation for Affine objects.
javafx.scene.layout Used for layout of GUI elements of the application.
javafx.scene.geometry Provides classes for drawing operations like drawing lines, geometrical objects, curves, or shapes (Circle, Arc, Ellipse, Line, Polygon, Rectangle etc.).
javafx.scene.text Provides classes to operate with text. Provides classes that are responsible for media playback.
javafx.scene.effect Used for applying various effects to the application.Supports blurring, rendering shadows, color adjusting, blending, glowing, toning, inverting, reflecting, blooming, and flooding operations.
javafx.scene.effect.light Provides classes for 2D and 3D lighting effects.
javafx.util Provides utility class for localizing strings using JavaFX properties files.
Aug 2008 | Java Jazz Up | 17
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