Quick Review:Ajax
Understanding quality of service for Web services Improving the performance of your Web services

// Check the response.
if (resp.generatedFault())
Fault fault = resp.getFault();
throw new SOAPException(fault.getFaultCode(), fault.getFaultString());
Parameter retValue = resp.getReturnValue();
return (java.lang.String)retValue.getValue();

Step 3: Re-compile the modified service proxy

The modified service proxy source file has to be recompiled simply by using javac command or by using any other compiler.

Step 4: Develop a client program

Develop a client application, which can use the service proxy to invoke the Web service. This could be a simple Java program or a AWT/Swing based Java GUI application.


Quality of services is an important requirement of business-to-business transactions and thus a necessary element in Web services. The various QoS properties such as availability, accessibility, integrity, performance, reliability, regulatory, and security, need to be addressed in the implementation of Web service applications. The properties become even more complex when you add the need for transactional features to Web services. Some of the limitations of protocols such as HTTP and SOAP may hinder QoS implementation, but there are a number of ways to provide proactive QoS in Web services.

June 2008 | Java Jazz Up | 47
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