Spring Framework

Similar to the ‘SessionFactory’ of hibernate, JDO has ‘PersistenceManager Factory’. It can be configured by using ‘LocalPersistenceManagerFactoryBean’. Also ‘JDOTemplate’ to create an object
f ‘PersistenceManagerFactory’. To access the data with ‘JDOTemplate’ ‘execute(JDOCallback)’ method is used. For iBATIS, we have to configure a ‘SQLMapClient’ by using ‘SQLMapClientFactoryBean’ and its properties ‘configLocation’ and ‘dataSource’ are set. Here also we have ‘SQLMapClientTemplate’. To access the data ‘execute(SQLMapClientCallback)’ method is used. The only property that we need to change to integrate Spring with OJB is ‘ConnectionFactoryClass’ and it is done by using ‘LocalDataSourceConnectionFactory’.

Sept 2007 | Java Jazz Up | 58
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