
Building Projects: Learn to Set Up A Maven2 Repository


running on the machine at port 9090. You can also use artifactory server without proxy. We have made two local and three remote repositories.

4 Install Tomcat 6.0 Download and install tomcat 6.0 on your machine.

5 Copy artifactor.war from artifactory- 1.2.1\webapps to the webapps folder of your installed tomcat directory.

6 Specify the local artifactory installation folder to the tomcat environment. Go to Start-->Programs --> Apache Tomcat 6.0--> Configure Tomcat and specify the installation folder to the Java Options. -

7 Now start the tomcat and configure your clients to use maven artifactory repository.

8 To access the admin control panel type http://<server>:<port>/artifactory and login as User: admin and Password: password.

Let's Dig the things Deeper

I. Directory Structure of Artifactory-1.2.2 :

Here are the folders that are shipped with the file.

• bin: batch files are used to run the included jetty web server.
• lib: Contains all the jar files required to run any application.

• webapps: Contains the war files of an application. We can also copy and install it in tomcat.

logs: Includes all the log files.

backup: Backs up the repository. We can use 'cron' expressions to setup the backup policy and Quartz scheduler to run the backup at the specified time. The backup interval is specified in the config.xml file inside the ‘ARTIFACTORY_INSTALLATION _FOLDER>/etc/artifactory folder’.

• data:
Includes the derby database files. If you are interested to clean up the repository then all the things containing in this folder are deleted. In case of new installation process this folder is empty.

• etc: Includes the artifactory configuration files "artifactory.config.xml", "jetty.xml" and"".

II. Deployment in Tomcat 6.0 :

Deploy the 'war' file of your application in‘<ARTIFACTORY_INSTALLATION
_FOLDER>/webapp’ to‘<TOMCAT_INSTALLATION_FOLDER> / webapps’. There is no need to change the configuration with jdk1.6 and Tomcat 6.0. Tomcat detects the web application and deploy it.

Once the application is deployed successfully, the web application requires the following information:

* Database location to store artifacts
* Artifactory config xml file location
* Backup folder location

To specify all the above three information, a single configuration is used. We only need to specify the artifactory installation folder location during Tomcat startup and artifactory does all the rest of the task by

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