AnthrillPro 3.3.0 Released


Urbancode, Inc.,  has announced the release of version 3.3.0 of its product AnthillPro3. AnthillPro3 is a third generation a third generation Build Management Server,  which automates the software build processes such as distributed builds, automated tests, promotions, deployments, and more.

A news published on their website says "This release was focused on cleaner workflow and property configuration, locking down security vulnerabilities, and dependency flexibility. Job preconditions allow finer grained control over what runs in a workflow and as usual the Anthill team found little ways to make the product easier to install, configure and use."

New features and improvements in AnthrillPro 3.3.0

  • Integration with Bugzilla
    Bugzilla integration has been introduced in this version.
  • Numerous UI improvements and fixes are done for the Safari browser
  • Several security vulnerabilities patches added
  • Several CodeStation Improvements are make
  • Workflow Definition configuration is now AJAX enabled. 
  • Memory leak on the server fixed
  • JUnit Report Publisher import\export fixed


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