Kathy Sierra

Kathy Siera is a very well known name in the tech field. Kathy is one of the Java champions as well as a very good writer too. She was born on June 19, 1957 in Fresno, California. As far as the qualification of Kathyis concerned, she attended California Polytechnic State University with a major in exercise physiology. She had spent over 10 years in the fitness industry. She moved from fitness industry to software field when she joined programming classes at UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles). After some time she return to teach a course on "new media interactivity" for UCLA Extension.


Kathy herself said that her interest in cognitive science (brain and artificial intelligence). At that time she was a game developer (Virgin, Amblin’, MGM). Kathy Sierra is the author of Creating Passionate Users as well as coauthor of the first series of books for O'Reilly’s Head First Java and Head First EJB. She is the founder of 2003 Software Development Magazine Productivity Award winning web site javaranch.com. In Kathy's own words "I love anything having to do with the brain, skiing, Java, horses, video, running, movies, music (especially bluegrass and alternative), and weird science (especially quantum mechanics) a little crazy."

The series of O'Reilly’s was not only nominated for the Amazon Top Ten Editors Choice Computer Books for 2003 and 2004 and but also the finalist for a Jolt Software Development award in 2003. Kathy was the lead programmer of the computer games Terratopia (a series of children's books). A game by Virgin Sound & Vision and a film-based game by MGM were released in 1996. Apart from this Kathy was a master trainer in Sun Microsystem.


  • Head First Java (O'Reilly Publishing, 2005)

  • SCJP Sun Certified Programmer for Java 5 Study Guide (McGraw-Hill Osborne, 2005)

  • Head First Design Patterns (O'Reilly Publishing, 2004)

  • Head First Servlets and JSP (O'Reilly Publishing, 2004)

  • Head First EJB (O'Reilly Publishing, 2003)

  • Sun Certified Programmer & Developer for Java 2 Study Guide (McGraw-Hill Osborne, 2002)

  • Mike Meyers' Java 2 Certification Passport (McGraw-Hill Osborne, 2001)