has been working on ad hoc in Java consultant since
2000. Many events are also organizes for Java developer
in all Universities even across Mexico by Jorge Vargas.
He also has a special interest in the translation of the
JDK docs into spanish. Jorge has added the code to many
Open Source Projects such as: SimpleJ, JrMan, and SIBOTE.
SimpleJ is a retro-style
video games console and developer kit console that
allows you to understand or learn how a computer works
and write your own video game programs. There is a
JrMan OS version of the REYES rendering algorithm,
which is used by Pixar motion studio's PhotoRealistic
Renderman. Its objective is to provide an open source
implementation of the REYES rendering algorithm. It also
provides to both students and teachers, to understand
how it works. SIBOTE project helps to students of
universities accessing job offers given by companies who
are graduated in computer science.
The main objective of Jorge is to inspire,
coordinate, support and encourage in all members
conception with JavaUp and use of Java Platform, with
modesty and simplicity.