Struts2 Tags

a select component with buttons to move up and down the elements in the select component . When the containing form is submitted, its elements will be submitted in the order they are arranged (top to bottom). Add the following code snippet into the struts.xml file.

<action name=”updownselectTag”>

Create a jsp using the tag <s:updownselect> This tag creates a select component with buttons to move up and down. This tag contains various parameters:
The name parameter presets the value of input element.. In our case we have set it to “daysname” The moveDownLabel parameter is used for the text to display on the move down button. In our case we have set it to “Move Down” The moveUpLabel parameter is used for the
text to display on the move up button. In our case we have set it to:”Move Up” The selectAllLabel parameter is used for the text to be displayed on the select all button. In
our case we have set it to: “Select All”


<%@ taglib prefix=”s” uri=”/struts-tags” %>
<title>Updownselect Tag Example</title>
<h2>Updownselect Tag Example</h2>
’April’, ‘05’:’May’,’06':’June’,’07':’July’,’08':’


headerValue=”— Please Select —”
moveUpLabel=”Move Up”
moveDownLabel=”Move Down”
selectAllLabel=”Select All”

Output of the updownselectTag.jsp:

Feb 2008 | Java Jazz Up | 53
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