Quick Review:JavaFX
JavaFX Scripts

The new JavaFX Scripting language invented by Sun Microsystems is an output of its F3 Project. With the introduction of this special declarative language Sun actually announces its footstep towards entering the RIA market with a definitive goal in making user interface development scenario to be featured by powerful visual impact in graphical context. They are targetting the desktop and mobile markets across the globe. The new language is said to be more easier to learn basically with a view to help the web designers in creating their applications. JavaFX Script is intended to make the use of Java’s basic features along with the binding of the other components of Java. JavaFX also provides the Plugins like NetBeans and Eclipse to work with integrated development environment(IDE)s. It is released under the GNU General Public License(GPL), via OpenJFX project sponsored by Sun.

Features of JavaFX Script:

  • In developing a GUI, a developer can use a declarative syntax when writing in JavaFX for specifying GUI components to match with the the actual layout of the GUI.
  • JavaFX script provides automatic databinding and incremental evaluation. Developers can have the feature of autmatic synchronization of the application data and GUI components so as to create and configure individual components more easily
  • JavaFX Script eanbles the web developers to work in IDEs, e.g., NetBeans and Eclipse, by enhancing the implementation of Java development.
  • JavaFX Script is a statically typed language. It brings the features of Java, viz, reuse of codes and encaptulation. Programmers will be able to create and maintain large programs using JavaFX.
  • JavaFX Script is able to support complex GUIs of any size.
  • JavaFX enables the enhancement of Swing which a GUI toolkit.
Aug 2008 | Java Jazz Up | 11
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